Welcome to the website of Pettas Apartments, located in “..beautiful and lonely Zakynthos..” and specifically in Kipis (Suburb of the City).
We are in the Island Country!
Pettas Apartments
Ag. Athnasiou 2,P.C. 29100
Tel: (+30) 26950- 44640
Mob (Viber & Whatsapp):
(+30) 69730-34542
Fax: (+30) 26950-26269
Mail: padeba@otenet.gr
Mail: ppet54@otenet.gr
Epson direct print service
ALPHA ΒΑΝΚ : GR1601406820682002101033625
EUROBANK : GR8502602490000420100563850
National Bank of Greece : GR7601103450000034555774461
PIRAEUS BANK : GR5601713790006379010269670
Follow us
Pettas Apartments
St. Athanasiou 2
Zakynthos 29100
No. LOAD 70527224000
No. DO NOT 0428K112K0173200 (3 KEYS)
Phone.: (+30) 26950- 44640
Mob: (+30) 6973-034542
Fax: (+30) 26950-26269
Εmail: padeba@otenet.gr
Email: ppet54@otenet.gr